Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is provided in person by the minister.  Call the minister at the church for a meeting.

The minister also routinely leads services at the three care homes in the Whitehorse area: Copper Ridge Place, Thompson Centre and Whistle Bend Place.  Sometimes members of the congregation accompany her at these services. Currently, there is an active push to get the Chapel at the local hospital reinstated and available for spiritual support for patients and their families.

The minister has been called upon many times to leads services for those who have died when they don’t have their own faith family. The congregation gladly supports this service.

During COVID a great deal of Pastoral Care happened by phone and by sending cards. A dedicated group of people still send cards to residents of nursing homes and housebound individuals.

Woman holding and reading the Bible in her hands.

Prayer Chain

There is an email Prayer Chain for all requesting prayers. Situations are shared with those on the email list and we each pray to the situations described.  To be added to the list, please contact the office.