Finance Committee
The Finance Committee are the “budget managers” for the money approved for church operations. Money to pay for church operations (e.g. staff salaries, janitorial services, heat, electricity, Sunday School, etc.) comes from the generous givings of our congregation so we communicate with congregants about the financial position during the year and thereby encourage personal givings to meet the spending needs of the church family.
Each fall we help Committees prepare budgets for approval by the congregation at the Annual Financial Meeting each February and then we monitor spending against the approved budget throughout the year. We oversee the financial administration of the church, including ensuring that monies received and paid out are properly tracked, and that all reporting is prepared (e.g. to Canada Revenue Agency, United Church of Canada). It is our responsibility to advise Council of any concerns that might need to be addressed. We are jugglers - working hard to match the available funds with the needs of the various Committees – to help the church grow and meet the changing needs of congregants.
Our committee is small and works like a fine-tuned clock! The Committee is comprised of representatives from Property Committee and Fundraising Committee as well as the Treasurer (elected by the congregation), and several other members. One member is our liaison to Council.
Although the Finance committee is not directly responsible there are major fund-raising activities held during the year (Cookie Walk, Talent auction). Every couple of years there is a focussed Stewardship Campaign asking members to donate their time, talents and treasure for the Congregation. These are managed by ad-hoc committees but work directly with the Finance committee.