Weekly Services

Weekly Services

Worship Services are held every Sunday at 10:30 am.

We follow the format of:

  • Gathering – welcome and announcements about Church activities
  • Approach – prayers of approach and confession, hymns of praise
  • The Word – scripture reading, sermon
  • Offering – anthems, presentation of offering
  • Closing – Benediction

We use the two United Church hymn books: Voices United and More Voices for hymns.

We also have sung responses and The Lord’s Prayer is usually sung.

A more detailed description of the weekly service is provided below.

Special Services

Special services are held also during the year, including Blue Christmas, Christmas Eve, Good Friday, and Blessing of the Animals.


We welcome you to join us for Sunday worship!

Many churches have different “rhythms” of worship; here is what to expect at Whitehorse United.


As you enter the front doors there is a series of steps up to the sanctuary.

If they are intimidating or you “don’t do stairs” there is an elevator through the door on your right. The entrance level is level 2 in the elevator and the sanctuary is level 3.  Enter the elevator, push the level 3 button and hold it.  It will stop at level 3.  Open the door and you should be on the sanctuary level.

There is a large coat rack area to the left, before entering the sanctuary.  In the winter, people generally leave snowy boots just inside the entrance doors at the bottom of the steps.


At the entrance to the sanctuary there will be greeters who will hand you a bulletin which has a listing of the order of the service and usually lots of announcements.


If you wish to make an offering to the church, there is a basket on a table by the greeters where you may place an offering; however, we do not expect visitors or “first timers” to contribute to the offering. The offering will be presented during the service.

Public Prayers

On the same table as the offering there is a list where you can add any public prayers you may wish to have spoken aloud during the “Prayers of the People” time.  Just write the appropriate thought etc. remembering that these will be publicly read aloud.


There are two washrooms available.  They are to the left of the sanctuary, through the little kitchen area and around the corner.

Getting Settled

Please take any pew seat.  Sometimes there are small cushions at the back of the sanctuary, if you find the seats hard.

Our services are currently broadcast on Facebook Live and then published on You Tube.  If you are uncomfortable being on camera, then sit towards the back of the sanctuary.  The camera is mounted above the large glass doors where you entered.


Children are always welcome in the service.  A bit of a way into the service the minister will have a time specifically with any children who are there.  They then can go downstairs to the “Lewis Hall” where there are several adults and the children are engaged in activities; however, you are most welcome to keep your children with you or go downstairs with them to get them settled then return to the sanctuary.

Baby Room

There is a baby fold at the back of the sanctuary on the left-hand side if you wish to sit there with a baby.  You can still hear and see the service from that room.  The door is on the outside of the sanctuary and one of the greeters would be more than happy to show you how to enter.  We welcome babies adding their voice to our service, but if you are uncomfortable with that, you can take them to the Baby fold.


Usually there is a prelude – the organist will be playing some music, but people are free to talk, get up and go to the front to light a tea candle in remembrance or in honour of some person or event.

The choir is usually in the choir loft which is on the right of the sanctuary at the front.

The minister will start speaking and welcome everyone.  The service will then proceed as laid out in the bulletin that you received.  We have 2 hymn books – Voices United (VU) – larger hard cover book with a maroon cover, and More Voices (MV)– soft cover and spiral bound book.

When hymns are announced the organist plays a couple of lines and then the choir stands up – this is the queue for the congregation to stand up also.  Of course, only stand, if you are able – it’s fine to stay sitting and sing.  Most pews have Bibles also, if you wish to look up the Bible passages and follow along.

During the service there is a time when we “pass the peace” saying – “The peace of Christ be with you” and the response is “And also with you”.  This is a time where people get up and move around welcoming each other and passing the peace.

End of the Service

The minister will end the service and the organist will play a Postlude (music at the end of the service).  We are very fortunate to have a wonderful musician, so most people stay seated and wait for the end of the Postlude, before leaving.  They usually clap in thanks for the music.  The minister is usually at the back of the sanctuary and is there to greet you, or answer questions etc.

Coffee Time

There is usually coffee and goodies after the service which is in the “Upper Room”.  This is an area to the left of the sanctuary.  Please join us for coffee and get to meet some other people in the congregation.
